Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's been a while . . . again

Well the semester is almost half way over already. Things have gone so fast this semester and I've been loving, almost every minute of it. I am technically taking 4 classes this semester but they only equal out to 9 credits, and one credit is Singing Seminarians, so really I only have 3 classes for 8 credits. So far my work load has been very easy. I have to read about 300 pages a week, and usually do more to try to get all my Music reading done before Reading Week. I don't mind all this reading because it is rather interesting. Greek has been great too this semester. I do not feel nearly as overwhelmed as I did last semester. Though we are learning a lot, the pace seems easier to handle. I also like that I have only had to write one paper so far this semester and it was one page long. By this point last semester I had probably written 10 papers at 2-5 pages a piece. My next paper is due in 3 weeks, for Ethics and it's 5 pages, which shouldn't be too bad.

The last few weeks have been kinda stressful, because I have been sick and with stuff going on back home, but all that is getting better so things are returning to normal again. Which makes me very grateful. So I have 2 more weeks until Reading Week. I can't wait to go home and see my puppy dog again. I miss her so much. I miss my family too. I only have readings to due until then, but I have my Ethics paper and my Greek mid-term when I get back. That will be an interesting week. I hope to get my paper done before going home on Wednesday of Holy Week, so all I have to do while I'm home is read and study Greek. I can't believe I'm almost to mid-terms, this semester is going so fast, I hope it continues to go well, but it could maybe slow down a bit. Well that's all for now, I should get back to reading . . . the story of my life this semester.